Written by Jim Hoe
On 20 July 2021, Olympic motto changed to include the word “communiter”, Latin word for together. The new Olympic motto now reads: “Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together”. In a time of increasing de-globalization and tension among communities and countries, it warms our heart to see sports are once again a unifying factor in humans’ relationship.
One of the pinnacles came last weekend when Tamberi of Italy and Barshim of Qatar chose to share the men’s high jump gold medal. When both failed to clear the last height, they had to choose between a jump-off, or share the honor. The decision was instantaneous, in fact even before the official finished explaining the rules, Barshim interjected: "Can we have two golds?" where Tamberi quickly nodded in agreement. Sportsmanship at its best.
“This is beyond sport,” Barshim said.
“This is the message we deliver to the young generation.” It serves as a great reminder for us in Maco to continue to strive for design excellence. As a young company, it is our aspiration to create product that promotes healthy lifestyle and inclusivity among people. We hope to continue reflect that in our product roadmap and launches in the future.
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Gianmarco Tamberi, left, reacts after sharing gold with Mutaz essa Barshim, centre, in the men's high jump. Andrew Nelles-USA TODAY Sports (source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/2021/08/01/tokyo-olympics-qatar-italy-high-jumpers-share-gold/5447124001/)

Mutaz essa Barshim (left) & Gianmarco Tamberi (right) celebrates together. Image source: Insider Voice (source: https://insider-voice.com/mutaz-esha-barshem-of-qatar-and-gianmarco-tamberi-of-italy-share-olympic-gold-in-mens-high-jump/)
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